philipp's blog

hecto, Chapter 3: Raw Input and Output

🧼 Polishing Notice

This tutorial was recently rewritten. It’s completed by now, but this chapter still needs some proofreading, link checking and general polishing. Once it’s done, this notice will be deleted.

Table of Contents

Chapter 3: Raw Input and Output

philipp's blog

Welcome to Chapter 3, where we'll explore the ins and outs of reading from and writing to the terminal. But before we dive in, let's polish up our code to make it more aligned with standard practices.

Getting to Know Idiomatic Code

When working with newer languages like Rust, you've probably heard talk about _idiomatic_ code. It's not just about making your code work; it's about making it fit in with how things are typically done in the language. But why does it matter?

Let's think about it this way: Imagine I told you that by following this tutorial, you could "kill two flies with one fly swatter"—learning Rust and building your own editor at the same time. Would you get what I mean?

For some, like German speakers, that might ring a bell because it's similar to a common German saying. Others might express it differently, like "killing two rabbits with one stick blow" in Portuguese. But for those not familiar with these sayings, it might take a bit of explaining. In English, we usually say "To kill two birds with one stone," emphasizing the importance of using expressions that everyone understands. While non-idiomatic phrases can still get the point across, they often lead to unnecessary focus on the wording rather than the message itself.

Writing idiomatic code is a bit like that. It's about following the usual rules and practices in the language, making your code easy for others to read and understand. Typically, people only dive into your code when something's not working right—either because there's a bug or they want to add something new. So, making your code easy to understand helps not only your current collaborators but also your future self when it's time to debug or add more features.

We'll tackle this in three steps: refining our code to fit with the usual style, using crossterm in the way it's meant to be used, and getting some guidance from a certain familiar paper clip from the 90s to stay on track1.

Refining code without changing how it works is called refactoring. Our aim isn't perfection right off the bat; it's about continually improving to make our code easier to work with and build upon. And to make sure our changes don't break anything, we'll test things out manually for now. While automated tests would be great, they're a bit beyond what we're covering in this tutorial.

Splitting the Code into Multiple Files

In Rust, like in many programming languages, it's usual for the main method to simply kick things off by providing the app's entry point, and not do much more. Our goal is to place our code where it logically makes sense, making it easier to find and maintain as we move forward. There are plenty of other benefits to this approach, and I'll point them out as we come across them.

Right now, our code is a bit tough to wrap your head around. To really understand what it does, you have to dig through the entire thing. In short, it echoes back every key pressed by the user and exits when 'q' is pressed. Let's simplify our lives by murdering two animals with one weapon: we'll introduce a new structure for our editor named Editor, which will reside in its own file. This will make the code easier to reason about and a bit more idiomatic.

A struct is basically a group of variables—and sometimes functions—that come together to form a meaningful whole. It’s exactly what we need to keep things neat and organized.

Head over to GitHub to see this change and its comments.

Now, we can leave the alone while we focus on the .

After this change and our newfound knowledge about structs and functions, let’s focus on crossterm. So far we’ve only used it to enter and leave raw mode, but it can do much more. For now, we should use it to properly read from the terminal.

This is how we do it.

Now, this code change really expands upon how we work with match, so it’s time to understand match a bit better, and some other concepts, while we’re at it.

Let’s start with the inner match. It looks like this:

match (event.code) {
    Char(c) => {
        if c == 'q' {
    _ => (),   

The outer match statement (which we will discuss shortly) ensures that at this point we know eventis a KeyEvent, which is documented here:

pub struct KeyEvent {
    pub code: KeyCode,
    pub modifiers: KeyModifiers,
    pub kind: KeyEventKind,
    pub state: KeyEventState,

So how have we been able to extract a character from this structure? Recall our discussion on Error Handling, where I described two metaphorical boxes: a pink one containing what we want, and a black one holding an error. We're extending this metaphor here.

Let’s look at the details of KeyCode:

pub enum KeyCode {
   // More KeyCodes
   // Some more KeyCodes

Here is the full list, if you’re interested. So KeyCode can represent:

That’s immensely useful and goes way beyond a usual if/then/else construct. What the first branch of the match does can be described as follows: “If event.code looks like a box with a character, let’s call this character c and execute the following block”.

Another thing to note about match: Matches need to be exhaustive, meaning that every possible case must be addressed. You have to make a conscious decision what to do in case there is no box with a character, but something else instead. We instruct match tohandle it as follows: _ => (). This means: For everything that didn’t match (denoted by _), do nothing (denoted by ()).

Isn’t this contradicting?, I hear you ask. If a match is designed to explicitly cover every case, then what is the purpose of just matching “everything”? That’s a very good point, and you can actually teach clippy, whom we meet soon, to highlight this a potential issue.

Now it’s easier for us to understand the outer match, which looks like this:

match read() {
    Ok(Key(event)) => {
        // ... inner match
    Err(err) => println!("Error: {}", err),
    _ => ()

The first branch uses the Boxes concept twice. It says: If read()returns a pink box labeled Ok, and in that pink box is another box labeled Key, then call what’s in that box event and proceed.
The second branch addresses errors directly: If there’s a black box, take the err out and display it. The last branch handles all other combinations: For all pink Ok boxes that do not contain a box labeled Key, do nothing.

"It looks like you're writing a program. Would you like help?"

Is the code idiomatic now? It seems so. But is it exceptional? Not exactly. Knowing all the idioms doesn’t make one a poet. To some extent, this is acceptable, as previously mentioned. However, we can enlist help from a 30-year-old annoying paperclip to refine our code even further: clippy.

clippy is both the name of an annoying Microsoft Office 97 feature, and a tool to point out possible improvements in our code - a linter. You can run it from the command line with:

cargo clippy

clippy already highlights some deliberate2 issues. Here is one example:

warning: unnecessary parentheses around `match` scrutinee expression
  --> src/
19 |                     match (event.code) {
   |                           ^          ^
   = note: `#[warn(unused_parens)]` on by default
help: remove these parentheses
19 -                     match (event.code) {
19 +                     match event.code {

Take a moment to appreciate how precise and useful the feedback is! It specifically pinpoints the problematic part of the code. We’ll address this issue soon, but let’s first allow clippy to do more extensive checks. clippy has various settings, or flags, and the most appropriate one for us as beginners is pedantic, enabling clippy to suggest all possible idiomatic improvements.

We run it like this:

cargo clippy -- -W clippy::all  -W clippy::pedantic

This command now triggers several warnings. Not only does clippy point out a weakness in our code, it also provides a link to the documentation for further reading. That's great!

clippy can also go ahead and fix certain issues for us:

cargo clippy --fix -- -W clippy::all  -W clippy::pedantic

We can tell clippy which flags we want to be used by default, for instance by adding the following code to the top of our

#![warn(clippy::all, clippy::pedantic)]

This directive activates warnings for the two categories all and pedantic. Despite the name, all does not include everything, but categories such as correctness, suspicious, style, complexity and perf. Looking at the docs, it seems like style is exactly what we need, but the others won’t hurt us, either.

Let’s apply these changes, including clippy's automatic fixes and manual corrections, in this commit..

Through this process, clippy has taught us two lessons: how to optimize format strings and the use of if let for cleaner pattern matching.

clippy still rightfully points out that our run() function doesn’t depend on the specific instance of Editor. We structured it this way intentionally to introduce different types of functions simultaneously, and we are going to change this, soon.

Ultimately, our goal should be to compile the code without any warnings at all, signalling to future developers that we’ve strived to produce the best possible code. Whenever a tutorial step involves a practice that clippy would frown upon, I will make sure to clarify that in the text.

Paranoid clippy

We can crank up clippy to 11 and make it extremely vigilant. The documentation describes various additional flags that can be enabled to maximise clippy's scrutiny. The following command includes all the options that seem useful for hecto:

cargo clippy -- -W clippy::all -W clippy::pedantic  -W clippy::nursery -W clippy::cargo -W clippy::restriction

This approach is rigorous but comes with a cost: The more paranoid clippy becomes, the more likely it is to flag some presumably bad code that is actually acceptable under the circumstances. Worse yet, some of the rules we've enabled may point out issues with perfectly valid code or contradict other rules. At our current level of experience, fully understanding these nuances can be challenging, and we might dive down the wrong rabbit hole. For the Rust newbies that we are, the pedantic setting is already ambitious. Therefore, we'll stop there for now.

Improved Error Handling

Let's wrap up our look at idiomatic code by addressing our promise about error handling. Our goal is to:

As part of this, we'll separate the error handling logic from the main loop and print out a simple goodbye message.

To see how this works, check out the code here.

Press Ctrl-Q to quit

Right now, our Text Editor exits anytime someone types a q, which isn't exactly ideal. Let’s about we switch it up and make it quit only when you hit Ctrl-Q. Plus, as our code gets more complex and the functions grow, we need a smoother way to close the program without having to manually interrupt the loop all over the place. We'll tackle this by tweaking our Editor struct to include a boolean named should_quit. This fix will also get rid of that final warning from Clippy.

You can check out how we made these changes here.

Diving into these updates means we're also getting a taste of how Rust handles memory safety with something called Ownership. Rust is pretty strict about who gets to read and write data, and it likes us to be clear about our intentions to change (or mutate) anything by using the mut keyword. We'll dive deeper into Rust's Ownership model a bit later on.

Clear the screen

We're about to dive into how we render the editor's user interface each time a key is pressed. This happens at three crucial moments:

First things first, let's clear the screen. We'll pause our Rust programming for a brief moment and switch our focus to terminal commands. We're going to tackle the concept first and save the actual implementation for later. For now, just drop this line into your code wherever you feel like the screen needs a refresh:


The print! macro in Rust lets us send data directly to the terminal. Unlike println!, which ends with a newline, print! only outputs exactly what we tell it to. We start with \x1b, the escape character, or 27 in decimal. Let's break down \x1b:

⠀The remaining part, [2J, forms part of an escape sequence. If you recall our previous discussion about escape sequences, like those for the Arrow Keys, it shouldn't surprise you that they can also instruct the terminal to perform various actions—like clearing the screen.

Here, we’re using the J command (Erase In Display) to wipe the screen clean. The 2 in [2J tells the terminal to clear the entire screen. Different arguments adjust the scope:

For a deeper dive into the magic of terminal commands, explore the VT100 escape sequences widely supported by modern terminals. Full details are in the VT100 User Guide.

Check out this documentation on virtual terminals and experiment with crafting your own escape sequences and write them out with the command above.

While crossterm largely spares us from manually entering these sequences, understanding them can be pretty fascinating. However, moving forward, we won't need to write them ourselves.

Let’s now make our our code cleaner and more structured:

Check out this update in action. Experiment with the result and you'll find that the screen clears as expected, keypress echoes are gone, and exiting is smooth. We're one step closer to transforming hecto into a fully functioning text editor!

Lastly, remember that clearing the screen each time can obscure compiler tips. To catch any warnings, run cargo build separately. Keep in mind, Rust won’t recompile unchanged code, so to get a fresh set of warnings, run cargo clean first, then cargo build.

Assignment 1: Tildes

This is now where we’ll switch sides. So far, I’ve been in the driver’s seat, showing you what I did and why. Now, you’ve seen enough Rust to grab the wheel yourself. Both clippy and me are still there to help you. And if you don’t do the assignment yourself but immediately look at the solution then that’s fine, too.

I will usually explain the assignment a bit and give you some pointers on how to solve them. Some assignments include a Bonus. The idea here is that you should be able to figure out the core assignment by yourself, with only the knowledge presented in the tutorial so far, but the Bonus might be something a bit harder to reach. However, my solution will at times use alternative ways to solve something, or point out different ways to solve the respective problem, so make sure you check out my solutions to learn new things.

It's time to start drawing. Your first task is to draw a column of tildes (~) on the left hand side of the screen, like vim does. In our text editor, we'll draw a tilde at the beginning of any lines that come after the end of the file being edited.

“Drawing” means: We move the cursor wherever we want to draw something, then we print out whatever we want to draw. We didn’t move the cursor previously, leading to our Goodbye message being printed out somewhere in the terminal, but not on the top-left. So we plan to position our cursor to the top-left, start drawing tildes one by one, and once we’ve reached the bottom, we’ll position the cursor back into the top-left corner.

Take a look at the following code in Rust Playground and experiment with it - it contains a few things you might find useful for the task.

fn main() {
    let somesize = (10,20);
    for number in 0..10 {

Link to Rust Playground

Here’s the task:

This should not produce any clippy warnings.

Assignment 1: Code Review

Solution to Assignment 1 on GitHub.

Under the hood, crossterm has used the Escape Sequence \x1b[H, the H command (Cursor Position), to position the cursor. The H command actually takes two arguments: the row number and the column number at which to position the cursor. So if you have an 80×24 size terminal and you want the cursor in the centre of the screen, you could use the command \x1b[12;40H. (Multiple arguments are separated by a ; character.) The default arguments for H both happen to be 1, so we can leave both arguments out and it will position the cursor at the first row and first column, as if we had sent the \x1b[1;1H command. (Rows and columns are numbered starting at 1, not 0 - crossterm doesn’t follow this and uses 0 as the start).

Types in Rust

Let’s start talking about types now. Intuitively, a type is something that we can use to better reason about whatever we’re talking about. And in Chapter 2 we saw that the type of a data point in memory determines whether Rust treats 01100001 as an integer, 97 or a character, a. The first type we encountered was therefore a Char , representing a single Character. You might remember that even this seemingly innocent, basic type is already fuzzy, as our intuitive understanding of a character differs from Rusts understanding (I never learned how to write a Carriage Return at school, for example!). In Chapter 4, we’re going to explore chars in more detail and discover that Chars, in Rust, are actually UTF-32 encoded.

Up until here, we encountered a few types, but never really commented on them:

There is a spectrum which defines how strict a programming language works with types. On the one side of the spectrum you have languages like JavaScript, which really do not care about types at all. If you want to call the method foobar() on anything it won’t complain, it only checks once it gets to that code if this “anything” even has a method called foobar(). This is called “weak typing”.

And on the other side of the spectrum you have languages like Java, which require you to be very deliberate with your types and try to protect you from calling methods on invalid types. This is called “strong typing”.

There is also a middle ground, with oddities like TypeScript, which brings strong typing to JavaScript, or Groovy, which brings weak typing to Java3.

Rust is firmly on the “strong type” side of the spectrum. But if that’s true, why did it take us until the last third of Chapter 3 to fully encounter them? Why, for instance, were we allowed to write the following in our main() earlier?

 let editor = Editor::default(); 

There is no trace of the type of editor, yet this compiles.

Rust tries to be very accommodating to developers here. It infers the type wherever it can, and since there is no way that Editor::default() returns something other than an Editor, we don’t need to make it explicit in this assignment. We, as developers, have to be less verbose in what we write, and should we change the return value of default(), we would have one less code piece to touch for this update. We can (and sometimes have to) make the type explicit. If we wanted to make the assignment above explicit, we would write:

let editor: Editor = Editor::default(); 

This way, if we change the return type of default(), the compiler asks us to also change the type of editor.

This is called Type Inference, and Rust can do that because we explicitly need to mention types where it matters, i.e. in function signatures. For example, our function signature to move the mouse cursor looks like this:

    pub fn move_cursor_to(x: u16, y: u16) -> Result<(), std::io::Error> 

This can be read as follows:

Integer Types

Let’s take a look at the new type, u16, which we have seen crossterm using and then utilized in our own code. This is one of multiple types to represent numbers. As you might have guessed from the hidden complexity around Chars (where we haven’t seen the end yet, more on this in Chapter 4), numbers are also not easy to handle. First of all, we need to separate integers from other numbers, like fractions. Remember, in storage everything is just 0s and 1s, so if you’re dealing with a fraction you have to reason about how you can actually represent them in memory, which isn’t trivial. Luckily, we’re dealing with integers here. They are easier to handle than fractions, but still - they also come in multiple flavours. Let’s meet them in a rust playground first, so you can experiment with them.

fn main() {

    let small_u: u8 = std::u8::MAX;  
    let medium_u: u16 = std::u16::MAX;  
    let large_u: u32 = std::u32::MAX;  
    let extra_large_u: u64 = std::u64::MAX;  
    let small_i_min: i8 = std::i8::MIN;  
    let small_i_max: i8 = std::i8::MAX;  
    let medium_i_min: i16 = std::i16::MIN;  
    let medium_i_max: i16 = std::i16::MAX;  
    let large_i_min: i32 = std::i32::MIN;  
    let large_i_max: i32 = std::i32::MAX;  
    let extra_large_i_min: i64 = std::i64::MIN;  
    let extra_large_i_max: i64 = std::i64::MAX;  

    println!("Unsigned integers:");
    println!("u8 max: {}", small_u);
    println!("u16 max: {}", medium_u);
    println!("u32 max: {}", large_u);
    println!("u64 max: {}", extra_large_u);

    println!("Signed integers:");
    println!("i8 min: {}, max: {}", small_i_min, small_i_max);
    println!("i16 min: {}, max: {}", medium_i_min, medium_i_max);
    println!("i32 min: {}, max: {}", large_i_min, large_i_max);
    println!("i64 min: {}, max: {}", extra_large_i_min, extra_large_i_max);

Link to Rust Playground

Let’s start with the distinction between 8,16,32 and 64: the width.

By width, I mean here how many bits are used to represent that number. This width determines the amount of different combinations I can represent. A hypothetical 2-bit integer has the following combinations: 00, 01, 10and 11. I can store 4 different values in that small integer. The 16 in u16 means a width of 16 bit, which yields us a more impressive 65 536 different values. Rust, even has integers as wide as 128 bit, resulting in 340 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 different combinations. That’s between one undecillon and one duodecilllion.

So why not be on the safe side and always use the widest integer type? The answer is: Performance. Smaller units can be processed more swiftly by your machine. A 32-bit machine is called like that because it can handle 32-bit operations efficiently. Any bigger data type would have to be handled differently under the hood, decreasing performance. It follows that you sometimes might want to use the widest type available on the machine - for example u32 on 32-bit machines, and u64 on 64-bit machines. That’s what another type is representing: usize and isize, respectively. We will discuss and use these a bit later.

The other distinction between integer types is denoted with the letter i, for (signed) integer, or u, for unsigned integer. The sign this refers to is the minus in front of it, i.e. if an integer is allowed to be negative or not. Let’s get back to my awesome 2 bit integer. As I told you, it can represent 4 different values, but which ones? If I decide for signed integers , it would represent -2, -1, 0 and 1 (By convention, the range is a bit wider on the negative side). If I decide to go for unsigned integers, I would be able to represent 0, 1, 2 and 34.

This means that in scenarios where I do not expect negative numbers, an unsigned data type yields me around the double amount of numbers.

crossterm uses the type u16 to place the mouse, so an unsigned 16 bit integer. “Unsigned” makes sense - the coordinate (0,0) is on the top left corner of the terminal, so we won’t ever expect negative coordinates. 16 bit, unsigned, means that the highest number we can represent is 65 535. So we can infer that by taking over u16 from crossterm, hecto won’t run properly in terminals bigger than that. We can live with that for now.

Better Drawing of Tildes

The next assignment are a few under the hood improvements. For starters, I’m unhappy with how we write to the terminal. We used the println! macro in the past and switched to print! in the previous step. But we’re also using crossterm, where we use some construct using a macro called execute!. This is bad for three reasons:

One - it irks me that we are mixing two concepts - direct printing and crossterm. For me, this irking is like something that smells when you enter a room. This is usually referred to as a Code Smell: something that possibly indicates a deeper problem.

Two - We don’t understand execute! yet, we simply used it because the documentation told us to. That also smells fishy, in my opinion.

Three - printing is weird sometimes, and our code doesn’t account for it.

Let’s start with that last part, how weird printing is. Printing to the screen is an expensive operation, and to make this more efficient, there is a concept of a buffer. Whenever you try to write on screen, you actually write to this buffer instead, and this buffer is emptied (and written to the screen) either if you do it manually or if the buffer is full. We didn’t run into this issue yet because usually the buffer is line buffered, so it automatically writes out at the latest if a full line is in the buffer. All our printing so far has included new lines, so we didn’t see that issue. But writing the escape sequences does not necessarily print out a new line, means that at that point we might be subject to buffering issues,

Which brings us to the second part, the fact that we don’t understand what we’re using. execute! is actually a macro that ensures that whatever you pass to it is printed out immediately. That’s.. half great? It’s almost what we want, but as I mentioned above, writing is an expensive operation, and we really only need to fully write to the screen after we are done with evaluating the keypress. We do not need a full write for every cursor placement, clear screen or write and can leave it up to the buffering mechanism and can leave it up to the system to figure out the best timing to write each of these things. This could even lead to weird flickering effects if we write out every small change all the time.

And this brings me to the first point, the Code Smell. Investigating that Code Smell has lead us to read up on execute! and uncover how weird printing can be. And the result is that we now understand that our code only works the way it works by a lucky coincidence, and that it is not working very efficiently.

Assignment 2: Improved Drawing

There is another possible source of the annoying flicker effect we should take care of now. It’s possible that the cursor might be displayed in the middle of the screen somewhere for a split second while the terminal is drawing to the screen. To make sure that doesn’t happen, let’s hide the cursor before refreshing the screen, and show it again immediately after the refresh finishes.

Then, instead of clearing the entire screen before each refresh, it seems more optimal to clear each line as we redraw them.

Here’s the full assignment now:

Assignment 2: Code Review

Solution to Assignment 2 on GitHub.

crossterm uses escape sequences to tell the terminal to hide and show the cursor. The h and l commands (Set ModeReset Mode) are used to turn on and turn off various terminal features or “modes”. It appears the cursor hiding/showing feature appeared in later VT models. So some terminals might not support hiding/showing the cursor, but if they don’t, then they will just ignore those escape sequences, which isn’t a big deal. Either way, we trust crossterm to use the correct escape sequences for us anyways.

The K command (Erase In Line) erases part of the current line. Its argument is analogous to the J command’s argument: 2 erases the whole line, 1 erases the part of the line to the left of the cursor, and 0 erases the part of the line to the right of the cursor. 0 is the default argument, and since that’s what we want, that’s what crossterm used under the hood.

Unexpected Obstacles

This assignment, and the bonus, contained two unexpected gotchas. Let’s first understand the problems together. The first gotcha is, we are somehow not allowed to use flush() without importing something we don’t even need.

Here is the issue in isolation:

use std::io::stdout;
use std::io::Write; //Remove this line and it won't work

fn main() {

See this code on Rust Playground

The second issue is that we can’t freely pass around our new structs without the Compiler complaining at some point.

Here is the issue in isolation:

struct Size {

fn get_size() -> Size {

fn print_size(size:Size) {
    let Size{height} = size;
    println!("The height is {}", height);
fn print_size_assessment(size:Size) {
    let Size{height} = size;
    if height < 5 {
        println!("It's small");
    } else {
        println!("It's tall");

fn main() {
    let size = get_size();

See this on Rust Playground

To fix this, you can either change the parameter of the two functions, or you can do something cryptic like I did in my code.

I’m going to give you a cryptic explanation for both of these things now. Then I will explain a couple of things, then I will repeat the explanation, it should then be less cryptic.

Both issues relate to traits. We need to import another trait for stdout, so that we can access flush(). And I was telling Rust to create the implementation for some traits for me.

Let’s learn together what this all means.

Move Semantics & Ownership

Pop Quiz! What is the result of the following:

struct Hecto;
fn main() {
    let x = Hecto{};
    println!("x is {:?}",x); // This would prints out "x is Hecto"
    let y = x;
    println!("x is {:?}, and y is {:?}",x, y); // ... and this?

(Ignore the derive fora second, it’s not crucial for understanding here)

Try it on the Rust Playground.

The answer is: Nothing, it doesn’t work. Seems weird? Then what about another Pop Quiz!

What is the result of the following:

The answer is: Nothing, it doesn’t work. Let’s learn.

Rust tries very, very hard to ensure Memory Safety. Let’s look a the following metaphor to illustrate the problem:

If you are the proud owner of a lot of money, it’s not always practical to carry this around, as it’s heavy. You put it somewhere and take a map, or multiple maps pointing to different parts of your wealth with you. Those maps represents your wealth5.

If you are the proud owner of a huge data structure (Say: a file), it’s not always practical to move this file around in memory, as it’s heavy. You put it somewhere and take a pointer to it with you (We call this dereferencing). That pointer represents your file.

If you hand out one of your maps to me, and I can then not only access the money you have hidden there, but also the money you have hidden somewhere else, then suddenly one of your maps which you thought points to money, points to an IOU by me instead. Similarly, if you copy your map and hand one of them to me and one to your friend, and I then take out the money, your friend will find a IOU where they expected money. Your hiding places aren’t safe.

If you hand one of the pointers to your file to me and I can then delete some other file of yours, then suddenly some of your other pointers point to something else. Similarly, if you hand a pointer to me and to some other function, and I can change your file, then the other function finds a modified file which it probably didn’t expect. Your memory isn’t safe.

Different programming languages use different approaches to solve this. C doesn’t solve it at all and leaves it to you, the developer. JavaScript YOLOs it. Let’s learn a few aspects of how Rust does it.

Rust is very strict in keeping track about who does what with each value. What we have seen above is the “Move Semantics”: Rust moves the ownership over the struct instance from x to y, attempting to access via x is then no longer possible.

Why doesn’t Rust just copy the value, so that x and y are separate? Rust does that when it can. Try the above examples not with a struct, but with integers for x and y, and you will see that it works perfectly fine. But for more complex data types, such as a struct, Rust doesn’t really know how to do it. What Rust proposes to us above is that we do not pass the real thing, but a pointer to it, or to tell Rust how it can copy the thing. It could guess it itself, as we will see in a bit, but let’s fully understand the concept of traits first.


We’re now confronted with the situation that in order to achieve something, in this case copying something around, we need to implement something.

We’ve seen this here and there already. Consider this line in the example above:

println!("x is {:?}",x); 

This only works if Rust knows how to create a Debug representation of x. Rust knows how to do that for easy data types like u16, but not for structs.

So Rust needs a way to tell us: Hey, in order print this as a debug thing, I want you to do tell me how! And we need a way to tell Rust: this is how you do it!

What we’re looking for are called traits. A trait is just that: A statement that says “You need to implement a couple of things for this to work”.

Let’s code a bit to explore this in depth. Let’s say we want our new and shiny test struct, Hecto, to show up as a debug string. Let’s try this:

struct Hecto;
fn main() {
    let x = Hecto;

See this on the Rust Playground.

This does not compile, and the compiler specifically tells us why:

  = help: the trait `Debug` is not implemented for `Hecto`

Ok, understood, “the trait is not implemented” means something like “we have to code something so that this works”. The Docs tell us what this trait looks like:

pub trait Debug {
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter<'_>) -> Result<(), Error>;

What this says is: This is a trait called Debug, and in order to implement this trait, you need to implement a function named fmt with that specific signature.

If you tried to be smart above and change the print statement a bit, to:

println!("x is {}",x); 

Then this would also fail, this time because Rust wants you to implement the Display trait.

According to the docs, the trait looks like this:

pub trait Display {
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter<'_>) -> Result<(), Error>;

So that’s basically the exact same function signature. This implies that we can’t simply implement that function, we have to do it in a way so that Rust understands which function implements which trait, so that the actual debug and display representations differ.

Fine, we’ll do that then, but we’re going to be childish about it. And I’ll cheat a bit and jump to the solution on how to handle the formatter, since the point here is not how the formatter works, but: How do we tell Rust that we want to implement this method?

The answer is that we are implementing the function in a special impl block, which looks like this:

impl Debug for Hecto {
// Implementation goes here

This means: “This implementation block implements the Debug trait for the data type Hecto.

Let’s try this out.

use std::fmt::{Debug, Result, Formatter};
struct Hecto;
impl Debug for Hecto {
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter<'_>) -> Result {
        write!(f, "Hecto is awesome.")
fn main() {
    let x = Hecto;

Try this on the Rust Playground

What we do here is to say: whatever Hecto is, whatever it contains, the only debug information you’ll ever need is “Hecto is awesome.”.

And sure enough: This time, the code compiles and the debug info is exactly what we implemented.

Try to play around with this and implement the Displaytrait, so that this line works:

    println!("{0:?} - {0}",x);

Deriving and Using Traits

We’re getting closer to understanding both problems from above now.

Stdout does not directly implement flush(). Instead, it implements a trait called Write, and that trait requires flush(). The reason is that at certain points in the code, we might not want to say “We expect a Stdouthere”. We might want to say “We don’t care what this is here, as long as it implements the Write trait”. Implicitly, this is what println! does. It doesn’t say “I want to get a Hecto here”. It doesn’t know this thing. So instead it says “I want to have something here that implements Debug”.

The code line use std::io::Write; brings the trait in scope, and its implementation, and makes flush() available to us. You could easily write your own implementation for Write, including your own way to flush(), and use this here instead.

There, that’s one thing explained now. But what about the other one?

I told you further up that Rust can guess some traits for us, but we have to explicitly tell it to do so, to avoid auto-implementing all kinds of traits we’d never use. That’s what derive does.

If, instead of implementing the Debug trait for hecto, we derived it, our previous code sample would look like this:

struct Hecto;
fn main() {
    let x = Hecto;

See how this works on the Rust Playground.

We can also ask Rust to derive the traits necessary for copying things around for us (Copy and Clone). Let’s extend the pop quiz from earlier and to this:

#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone)]
struct Hecto;
fn main() {
    let x = Hecto{};
    println!("x is {:?}",x); // This would prints out "x is Hecto"
    let y = x;
    println!("x is {:?}, and y is {:?}",x, y); // ... and this?

See how this works on Rust Playground

And this, of course, just works.

Now, how did Clone sneak in here? That’s not terribly important right now, but since you asked: Copy is meant to be inexpensive, implicit and quick. You can’t implement that one yourself, Rust needs to do it for you. Clone can be heavyweight and you can implement it on your own.

Summarising the Assignment

With this knowledge, let’s circle back to the two questions that we asked ourselves during the code review:

Both issues relate to traits. We need to import another trait for stdout, so that we can access flush(). And I was telling Rust to create the implementation for some traits for me.

Assignment 3: Welcome Message

Perhaps it’s time to display a welcome message. Let’s display the name of our editor and a version number a third of the way down the screen, centred in the middle of the terminal.

Here is a Rust Playground for you to play around with, with stuff you will find useful:

fn main() {
    let division = 9/3;
    let longer = "hecto".repeat(3);
    let slicing = &"hecto"[..2];
    let length = "123".len();
    let x:u16 = 1;
    let result = (length as u16) - x;

Link to Rust Playground

Note that the data type returned by len() is not an u16, you have to use as to cast it. The data type for the result is usize. This one is a bit special, as its size depends on your system. If your system is 32bit, usize is 32bit, so 4 byte. If your system is 64bit, usize is 64bit, so 8 byte. Same applies to the signed counterpart isize.

Here is the assignment:

Assignment 3: Code Review

Solution to Assignment 3 on GitHub.

If you did the bonus assignment, you probably used a function signature along the following lines to indicate you’d like to have a parameter that implements the Command trait:

 fn queue_command(command: impl Command) -> Result<(), Error>

In my code, I used this one instead:

fn queue_command<T:Command>(command: T) -> Result<(), Error>

For our purposes, they are equivalent. I went with the more complex one because I assumed you’d find the easier one (which might arguably be more appropriate in this case).

Now let’s discuss my code - it contains a bug. Let’s see if your code has it, too: make your terminal very narrow and then try to run hecto. Does it crash? If not, congratulations! The student has become the master.

If it does, hang on for a second while we explore some edge case behaviour first. As per our tradition, here is a Rust Playground to play with:

fn main() {
    let huge : u32 = std::u32::MAX; 
    dbg!(huge as u16);
    let small: u16 = 0;

Link to Rust Playground

Play around, see what happens. Then change the toggle at the top left, next to “Run”, from Debug to Release and see what happens.

There are several things going on here.

Let’s start at the bottom, because that’s probably the least of your questions: We’re dealing with integers, not fractions, so it’s only mildly surprising that Rust does not return a fraction.

Now, let’s go to the top - why the difference in behaviour for Debug and Release? I already foreshadowed this in Chapter 1. The reason is: The kind of behaviour the bug produces is very confusing and definitely mostly not what you want (this is especially true for the middle two issues which we will investigate in a second), so whenever this happens, Rust chooses the most drastic way it can tell you that you have been wrong: it crashes.

Rust can continue though, since it does get some values to work with. Very, very wrong ones, but values nonetheless. And assuming for an end user a crash is worse than wildly wrong data, it continues.

But what happened to huge, and what happened to small? Let’s circle back to my tiny data structure from above, the 2 bit integer. And let’s also invent a 3 bit integer and call the unsigned variants u2 and u3, respectively. This is what they can store:

| Number | `u2` | `u3`  |
| 0      | `00` | `000` |
| 1      | `01` | `001` |
| 2      | `10` | `010` |
| 3      | `11` | `011` |
| 4      |      | `100` |
| 5      |      | `101` |
| 6      |      | `110` |
| 7      |      | `111` |

If you remember one of the earlier chapters, the operator as tells Rust: Treat this underlying number differently. We used this to tell rust to treat a binary number as a Char. Let’s say we do something like let x: u2 = 3 . Then under the hood, x is stored as 11. If we do let y = x as u3, it just rolls with it, as 011 for u3 represents a 3, same as 11 for u2.

But if we do let x: u3 = 7 followed by let y = x as u2, we take something that is under the hood represented as 111 and turn it into 11, which is: 3. 7 becomes 3.

This is how huge became so small.

Let’s look at the other oddity. Take a look again at the table above and how u2 changes for each decrement. The algorithm to remove one from a binary number seems to be:

  1. Start at the right.
  2. If the current number is 1, decrease it to 0. You are done.
  3. If the current number is 0, flip it to 1 and move one step to the left.
  4. Go To 2.

What if you performed this on 0, represented as 00? The algorithm would then flip your number to 11, making a 3, and then end. 0-1 is 3. This is called an underflow. The opposite exists, too - it’s called an overflow.

And this is how small became so huge.

You might be tempted to think that the crash was all about that one place where we tried to make room for the tilde without checking padding. Yes, that’s true, but part of the issue is also that we were driving without a safety belt.

Let me fix this. I won’t make this an assignment to fix my faulty code, I’ll clean this up myself.

Safe arithmetics and casting

Here is the fixed code.

As you saw, I have taught clippy to tell me all about potential pitfalls - but I disabled most of them again whenever they occurred. If you think this is pointless, hear me out:

I think it makes a whole lot of difference if someone deliberately turns off a safety, or if they do so by mistake. Deliberately disabling a clippy rule tells whoever reviews your code (it could be you) “This here did not happen by mistake, I did it on purpose”. That alone is a strong signal that we’re sending.

But I am doing more: I left different types of comments aimed at whoever comes after me (it could be me). I was verbose, and I tried to start with the most relevant thing (describing under which circumstances to expect the edge case). That’s all I did.

Let’s also take a step back here: There are multiple other ways to solve the problem.

I don’t think that any of these 4 options is highly preferable over the other 3. But that’s not the point - the point here is that clippy made us aware of this issue and forced us to make an explicit decision instead of just having stuff randomly happen to us. And that. Is. Awesome.

Under other circumstances, I would have opted for the 1st solution because I happen to assume that someone working with low-bit microcontrollers will likely not use hecto on them. In this case I opted for the 4th solution to make this point about documentation.

But I did not write this only to wag my finger at you, but (also) show you something cool. Run the following if you have checked out my code or created some /// comments yourself:

cargo doc --open

This creates another build target: doc, and opens your browser with some auto-generated documentation. Go to target/doc/hecto/ to find all the documentation files. That’s pretty awesome. Check out the docs (the official ones) for more info6.

Less finger wagging, more coding! Before we do, I need you to pause again for a split second.

As a text editor, we’re going to be able to edit some text, right? The text we’re going to edit is what we will call a Document.

We need to be able to talk about a specific place in a Document. This is what we call a Location, depending on the line it is in and the number of visible characters before it.

hecto is represented on a screen. That flashy thing on your screen is what we call a Cursor, and also refer to it as the Caret. We will never talk about a mouse pointer when we talk about a cursor. Where on screen the Caret is located is what we call its Position. It depends on the Row it is in, and on the Column. It’s not the same as the Insert Point, which is a specific Location in the text. Once we have text that goes beyond a single screen, the pairs Point/Caret and Location/Position will start to diverge.

In the upcoming assignments, we will experience multiple times how one complex concept emerges from a simpler, different one. To start with, the concept of a Location in the document will evolve from the concept of a Position on screen. There will be several more concepts emerging as we go along.

For each assignment, I will point out the concept we’re about to start evolving, so that you can take your design decisions accordingly.

Assignment 4: Caret Movement

Let’s focus on input now. We want the user to be able to move the caret around. We also want to keep track of where the caret currently is, because we will evolve the caret position into the location of the point in the document over the next chapters.

Here is a tiny Rust Playground for some concepts:

use core::cmp::min;
fn main() {
    let what_is_this:u8 = min(4,8);
    match what_is_this {
        4 | 8 => {
            println!("It's one of the two numbers!");
       _ => {
            println!("It's something else!");

Link to Rust Playground

Here is the assignment:

Windows-Only Addition: To ensure your code works properly also on Windows machines, you have to ensure that you’re only listening to Key Press Events. To do so, you need to adjust the if..let like this:

 if let Key(KeyEvent {
            code, modifiers, ..
            kind: KeyEventKind::Press, //This is new

        }) = event {

Thanks to lv_motong for pointing this out!

Code Review: Here is how I solved it.

Wrap-up and Outlook

This chapter started out with musings around idiomatic code, introduced us to clippy, Rust’s type system and subtle bugs and finally turned the program we’re working on into something resembling a text editor.

I hope this chapter has given you a first feeling of pride when you saw how your text editor was taking shape. Since we now know our way around Rust, we won’t have to worry that much about refactoring, or new concepts, in the upcoming chapters and can focus on adding functionality.

In the next chapter, we will get our program to display files.

This post was last updated 1 month ago.

  1. This tutorial is written by someone with a strong JavaScript background, and it’s based on a tutorial which is written in C (and to top it off, the way it’s been written was to make the resulting editor fit in less than 1000 lines and is therefore also not idiomatic). If we’d continue like this, we’d soon have very weird code at hand. I once knew a guy who learned Perl professionally and was self-taught in Java. He called his coding style “Java with a Perl necklace”. I can confirm the accuracy of this assessment.

  2. I swear it was deliberate.

  3. both these languages are supersets of their respective counterpart. Pure Java code is valid Groovy code, and pure JavaScript code is valid TypeScript code.

  4. What happens if you add 1 to the number 3, you ask? We get to that soon.

  5. Seems absurd? Then what’s that funny printed piece of paper in your wallet which you exchange for food? (Before you answer this: Yes, I know what Fiat money is).

  6. Some of the tiny things from Rust amaze me. If you look at your docs, you will see both consts auto-documented which we created earlier. Since they are const, Rust knows their value exactly and includes it into the docs.
