philipp's blog

hecto, Chapter 5: A Text Editor

🏗️ Construction Notice

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Table of Contents

Chapter 5: A Text Editor

philipp's blog

Now that hecto can read files, let’s see if we can teach it to edit files as well. This chapter will be lighter on new concepts, and heavier on assignments to extend hecto.

Assignment 15: Insert ordinary characters

Let’s first focus on adding ordinary characters into the text. Since we can’t know if that character will trigger the formation of a new grapheme cluster, we will need to rebuild our internal structure for Line upon insertion.

One thing to watch out for here is movement: What the user perceives as an insert is actually an insert followed by a step to the right - otherwise we’d be typing backwards. Another aspect to consider is, of course, graphemes and grapheme clusters. It’s entirely possible for the inserted character to become part of an existing grapheme cluster - in which case any extra movement would result in moving the caret too far to the right. Or, the newly inserted character could cause the graphemes left and right to merge - think about adding a Handshake Emoji at the right place among Adult Emojis and Zero Width Joiners - they’d then all form the Adults Holding Hands Emoji, thus actually removing graphemes.

Our strategy to tackle this topic will be to check if the amount of graphemes has changed post-edit: if it grew, we move, otherwise we stay where we are. For anything other than growing after insertion of a new character, we can’t know how far in any direction we should move. This should cover the cases we aim for with hecto.

Here is the assignment:

Code Review: Here is my code.

Assignment 16: Simple Deletion

Now we want Delete and Backspace to work. Backspace is essentially a “move left, then delete”. Delete will work pretty similar to insert above, with the difference that we have to worry even less about grapheme widths - deleting one cluster should in the vast majority of cases decrease the amount of graphemes by 1. We’ll handle deletion around the edges of a row later.

Here is the assignment:

Code Review: Here is how I did it.

Assignment 17: Complex Deletion

We now want some edge cases to work:

To achieve this, we will need to create a way to append one line to another. Since we want to re-calculate the grapheme clusters, converting both lines to a string, merging them and re-creating the internal Ver<TextFragment> sounds like a good idea. Removing an entry from a Vec can be done by calling remove on it, which also returns the element which was removed.

Here is the assignment:

Assignment 17: Code Review

Here is how I solved it.

Aside from the fact that I am now starting to fix the bugs I am introducing (Unit Tests, anyone?), my code contained two interesting aspects. One revolves around Rust’s Borrow Checker, and one around side effects from traits. Let’s start with the first one.

Rust’s Borrow Checker in Action

We’ve met Rust’s approach to type safety already in earlier chapters. When it comes to modifying data, Rust imposes strict rules, particularly with how mutable and immutable references are handled.

Consider this function from my commit:

  pub fn delete(&mut self, at: Location) {
        if let Some(line) = self.lines.get(at.line_index) {
            if at.grapheme_index >= line.grapheme_count()
                && self.lines.len() > at.line_index.saturating_add(1)
                let next_line = self.lines.remove(at.line_index.saturating_add(1));
            } else if at.grapheme_index < line.grapheme_count() {

The function accesses the current line twice: Once in the surrounding if let Some(line), and subsequently when calling append or delete. It’s impossible to refactor this code to use get_mut for the surrounding if let and get rid of that extra access. Why?

Memory Safety and Mutable References

Rust ensures memory safety by enforcing exclusive access to mutable data. The &mut self in the function signature means that while delete is executing, no other part of our program can modify the self struct (Line in this case). This is the same as borrowing a physical object: while it’s in your possession, nobody else can use it. Excluding the initial if let, notice that self.lines (and thus self) is not altered while any reference to an element within self.lines is active. Removing next_line is a distinct operation that modifies self, followed by the call to append.

Why there isn’t a Borrow Checker Error

The question then is: Why doesn’t the reference line, derived from if let Some(line), trigger a borrow checker error? The answer lies in the timing and scope of its use. It’s only used once, before any mutating operation takes place. Afterwards, this reference becomes invalid. Adding any operation on line after the mutable operations begin, even a simple read, would invalidate the code and result in a compiler error.

Traits and Automatic Implementation

Let’s also discuss another code snippet from my commit:

impl fmt::Display for Line {
    fn fmt(&self, formatter: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
        let result: String = self
            .map(|fragment| fragment.grapheme.clone())
        write!(formatter, "{result}")

The goal at this stage was to implement a to_string function which turns Line into a String, to be used for appending one Line to another. So why did I implement Display here?

Before I explain, I want to stress that not doing it like I did is a perfectly valid approach. I took this route to highlight some more interesting things about Rust - just implementing a simple to_string is fine.

What I implemented here is the Display trait. You might recall from previous chapters that this trait allows data structures to be printed out to the user, for instance with println!(“{my_struct}”);. Converting something into a string is such a common operation that a trait for this exists: ToString. There’s also a counterpart trait, which we also could have implemented: FromStr. As you already know by now, implementing traits gives you benefits in certain contexts. But what I wanted to point out here, and why I implemented Display, and not ToString, is that implementing some traits hands you an automatic implementation of another trait. We saw this in passing when we implemented the From trait and got the implementation of into for free - and in this case, we’re implementing Display, resulting in an automatic implementation of the ToString trait, which provides to_string. Display is generally considered more versatile than implementing ToString.

The underlying concept is called a blanket implementation: You can write a blanket implementation of Trait A for any type that implements Trait B, effectively making Trait B implementing Trait A as well.

Assignment 18: Tab and Enter

We still need to support two additional keys: Tab, which should simply insert a \t, and Enter.

To handle Enter, we need to extend Line in a way that allows us to split the line at the current location - shortening the current line, and returning a new Line with the remainder. Besides using push() to add an entry at the end of a Vec, we can use insert(index: usize) to add an item at the desired location. All following entries will be shifted to the right. A Vec also allows splitting by calling split_off.

Here’s a quick Rust Playground to illustrate this:

pub fn main() {
    let mut first_vec = vec!["Entry #1".to_string(),"Entry #2".to_string()];
    for num in 4..=10 {
        first_vec.push(format!("Entry #{num}"));

    // Oops, missed something!
    first_vec.insert(2, "Entry #3".to_string());
    let second_vec = first_vec.split_off(5);

Link to Rust Playground

Here’s the assignment:

Code Review: Here’s my code.

Data Structures in Text Editors

We've now established our data structure for hecto. Stripping away the outer structs reveals that we store metadata for each visible grapheme within a vec. These vecs, which each represent a line, are then grouped within another vec. This arrangement is fairly typical for text editors handling formatted text. For instance, SlateJS, a JavaScript-based rich text editor, employs nodes to capture the formatting attributes applied to text segments, as shown below:

        "text": "Hello,",
        "bold": true
        "text": " World",
        "bold": true,
        "underline": true
        "text": "!",
        "underline": true

As you might imagine, finding and defining suitable data structures for text editors is a well-understood problem now, which includes reasoning about performance, types of insertions (i.e. do inserts typically happen around the same area, or randomly distributed across the text?) and other considerations. A common data structure for texts is a Rope. Ropes break texts into smaller, manageable pieces and organises them into a binary tree structure.

The beauty of a Rope lies in its efficiency—especially when you need to insert or delete text. With a Rope, these operations don't require shifting large blocks of text around, which keeps things running smoothly even as documents get longer. Navigating through text is also more efficient with a Rope, as each node in the tree keeps track of the text length below it, making it quick to jump to different parts of the document.

For this tutorial, we’re going to stick with our inefficient internal data structure, but if you’re interested to learn how to use a rope in Rust, take a look at Ropey.

Assignment 19: Saving to Disk

Editing is useless without saving, so let’s implement saving to disk for an existing file. We will implement “Save as” later.

To do so, we need to track the file name in the Buffer. Once the user presses Ctrl-S, we are going to save our file to disk.

Here is a small sample which writes a string to disk:

use std::fs::File;
use std::io::Write;

fn main() {
    let mut file = File::create("example.txt").expect("Could not create file");
    writeln!(file, "Hello, World!")
        .expect("Could not write to file");

Link to Rust playground

Similar to println!, writeln! ensures that the line is written and a newline is added to the end.

Here’s the assignment:

Assignment 19: Code Review

Here is my code.

We’ve discussed line breaks earlier in this tutorial, but there are some more interesting aspects to learn. We’ve already seen that there are multiple types of white spaces beyond a normal “Space’ - Tabs, Zero-Width-Joiners and more - so it’s unsurprising that there are also multiple types of line breaks. To name a few, there are Line Separators, Paragraph Separators, a Vertical Tab, and even Form Feed, which was used to direct the printer to eject the current paper and continue printing on top of another.

A second aspect to be aware of is that, to this day, operating systems have different views about what a new line actually is. Windows treats \r\n as a line break, whereas on Linux and Mac, a \n is sufficient. This is commonly referred to as “CRLF” (Carriage Return, Line Feed) for the Windows case, and as “LF” (Line Feed) for the Linux/Mac case. We’re slowly transitioning towards a state where this distinction does not matter, but opening a text file written on a Mac with an old text editor on Windows would lead to display issues, and executing a shell script on a Linux system written on Windows might also lead to issues.

hecto is elegantly side-stepping this issue, because of three reasons:

User Interface

Our Text Viewer currently has no way of showing any information, besides the text itself, to the user. As a consequence:

That won’t do, so we’re going to build up some user interface which will display useful information to the user, before we adapt it to also handle prompts. More specifically, we’re going to add two lines to the bottom of the editor: A status bar, which will hold information about the document, and a message bar, which will show notifications to the user. Later, we will use the message bar also to allow user input.

Assignment 20: Simple Status Bar

Let’s start very basic:

To implement this, you’d need to implement a new struct, which, similar to View, renders itself at the right part of the screen and refreshes itself every time it’s necessary. Then you’d need to expose the information you want to display from View to Editor, and pass it then to the new struct, so that it’s available on the next refresh.

Code Review: Here’s my code.

Assignment 21: Fancy Status Bar

Let’s make the status bar fancy. We want to:

Let’s start with the arrangement of the data. This is what we want to display: - 23 lines (modified)                                      2/23

To make alignment easier, here’s a Rust Playground which shows you how to use string formatting for alignment:

fn main() {
    let left = "Left";
    let middle = "Middle";
    let right = "Right";
    println!("String Alignment with spaces:");
    println!("{:<15}{:^15}{:>15}", left,middle, right);  
    println!("Right align with dots:");
    println!("{:.>10}", "dots"); 
    println!("Alignment in detail with different characters:");
    println!("{:.<15}{:-^15}{:#>15}", left,middle, right);  
    println!("Alignment where width < length:");
    println!("{:<3}{:^3}{:>3}", left,middle, right);
    println!("{:.5}", "Truncated");
    println!("Truncation & Alignment:");
    println!("{:<15.3}{:^15.3}{:>15.3}", left, middle, right); 

Link to Rust Playground / Link to the Docs

Let’s now define how hecto behaves on weirdly sized terminals:

Lastly, let’s investigate how we can make the row stand out visually. Crossterm lists a couple of attributes we can use , alongside a helpful list of cross-platform support. What we’re going to do is to make the Status Bar blink rapidly invert the foreground and background color for the status bar. To do so, we have to:

Here’s the assignment now:

Assignment 21: Code Review

Here’s the code.

There is one code snippet I’d like to discuss. Here it is:

    let mut position_y = 0;
    let mut is_visible = false;
    if let Some(result) = size
            .and_then(|result| result.checked_sub(1))
            position_y = result;
            is_visible = true;
        self.position_y = position_y;
        self.is_visible = is_visible;

Let’s pick this apart. We have seen and_then previously - it simply allows us chaining two operations. Essentially, we’re performing checked_sub twice. But what does it do?

This logic comes from the StatusBar and determines whether or not it should be rendered, and where. In View, we do this differently: we determine the height with saturating_sub, and if the view has a height of 0, it’s not displayed. StatusBar, however, has no height (or an implicit height of 1, but no internal field called height), so this logic can’t be used here. So what we do instead is that we subtract the margin and 1 from the terminal size. If the result would go below 0, StatusBar can be considered as invisible, as the starting point for the status bar would be outside of the visible bounds.

That’s what checked_sub does: It attempts to perform the subtraction. If successful, it returns the result. If not, in case of an underflow, it returns None.

Assignment 22: A Simple Message Bar

Now that our Status Bar is in place, let’s fill that final row with a Message Bar. This Message Bar will do a couple of things:

We start, as usual, simple:

Code Review: Here is my code.

Assignment 23: Expiring Messages

We now want messages to disappear after at most 5 seconds. To achieve this, we will track the time at which a message has been rendered for the first time, and upon each re-render, we check if 5 seconds or more have passed. If so, we are going to hide the message.

To do so, we are going to use Durations and Instants. Let’s meet them in this Rust Playground:

use std::time::Duration;
use std::time::Instant;
use std::thread;

fn main() {

    let before_sleep = Instant::now();
    let five_seconds = Duration::new(5, 0);
    let seven_seconds = Duration::new(7, 0);
    let ten_seconds = Duration::new(10, 0);

    println!("Going to sleep now for seven seconds!");
    thread::sleep(seven_seconds); // Sleep for more than 5, but less than 10 seconds
    let after_sleep = Instant::now();
    if after_sleep - before_sleep > five_seconds {
        println!("Five seconds have passed!");

    if after_sleep - before_sleep > ten_seconds {
        println!("Ten seconds have passed!");
    let elapsed = after_sleep.duration_since(before_sleep); // Calculates the elapsed time
    println!("Actual sleep time: {} seconds and {} nanoseconds", elapsed.as_secs(), elapsed.subsec_nanos());


Link to Rust Playground

As a side note: Rust guarantees to sleep for at least the specified duration, but it can’t guarantee to sleep exactly for the given duration.

Here’s the assignment:

Code Review: Here’s my code.

Assignment 24: Better Communication to the User

Let’s make better use of our Message Bar. We want to use our message bar to communicate a couple of errors we previously ignored to the user. For this, we need to propagate the error upward to the Editor, and then display it to the user. We also want to send a message in some non-error cases, for example when we save the file successfully to disk.

The challenge here, at least if your code looks similar to mine, is the following: At this point, we’re converting any crossterm event into an EditorCommand, and pass it down to View, which acts on it e.g. by saving. In order to properly react to an error, we could adapt handle_command to receive a Result and use MessageBar to display the error. But how do we know if the file has been saved successfully? Well, we could, for instance, check if the command we’ve just forwarded to View was a Save and if everything worked correctly print out the success message. That’s perfectly doable.

However, we’re already observing that what we’re getting from crossterm and passing on to Editor can be divided into editing commands - Delete, Insert(char) and so on - and other commands such as Quit, Save or Resize, which require a different behaviour. With that in mind, it makes sense to revisit EditorCommand and separate the different types of commands from one another.

With that in mind, here’s the assignment:

Code Review: Here is my code.

Assignment 25: Save as…

Currently, when the user runs hecto without any arguments, they get a blank file to edit but have no way of saving. Let’s work on introducing a prompt at the bottom, in place of the message bar, which allows the user to enter a file name.

We aim for simplicity here, so we are not going to build any asynchronous messaging or observer patterns or something similar. Instead, our Editor struct stays responsible for querying for status and updating itself, and other components, if needed.

Here is the assignment:

Code Review: Discuss as_ref, Path and PathBuf

Assignment 25: Code Review

Here is my code.

Before we end this chapter, let’s take a closer look at a code change I made, because it helps us understand some design concepts and Rust concepts a bit better. It’s about my FileInfo struct.

Here’s the updated code, with the relevant changes mentioned in the comments:

#[derive(Default, Debug)]
pub struct FileInfo {
    path: Option<PathBuf>, // No longer pub

impl FileInfo {
    pub fn from(file_name: &str) -> Self {
        Self {
            path: Some(PathBuf::from(file_name)),
	// New fn:
    pub fn get_path(&self) -> Option<&Path> {

	//New fn:
    pub const fn has_path(&self) -> bool {

First of all, let’s discuss the motivation behind the code change.

Before we introduced a save_as functionality, there was ever only one FileInfo available, which was effectively immutable: Once set, the FileInfo never changed, and it either had a PathBuf (on loading a file) or it didn’t.

With the introduction of save_as, I had to decide: Is FileInfo something that is mutable - implying that a call to save_as would need FileInfo to update its path - or is it immutable - implying that one FileInfo needs to be replaced with another on file save?

I decided for the latter. I think it’s not terribly important for hecto right now to get this decision 100% right, but the code change above reflects my desire to keep FileInfo immutable: Instead of allowing direct access to path, I created a getter function, and I also exposed has_path as a convenience function.

This explains the why, but not the how - the code change above does two surprising things:

First, Path and PathBuf are very similar to String and str , which is why I used both in the code above. This allows transforming the code into something we know better - and which will make it easier for us to understand the as_deref. We do so by changing path in the struct as follows:

pub struct FileInfo {
    path: Option<String>,

Our first attempt to return path might look like this:

    pub fn get_path(&self) -> Option<String> {

This doesn’t work, and if you remember the Move Semantics we discussed earlier it becomes clear why: If we move String out, we can’t keep it ourselves - the existing Option would be invalidated. String does not implement the copy trait, so a copy of the path won’t be returned automatically.

That’s fine, we don’t need to copy or clone it anyway, since we do not plan to modify it. So how about this?

    pub fn get_path(&self) -> Option<&String> {

This works! as_ref turns the item within the option into a reference to that item, which is what we want. Working with &String instead of String can be tricky, but this is generally an approach that works. But what if we want to return a &str instead, given that there is no need for the overhead in String, it’s supposed to be readonly anyways. This leads us to:

    pub fn get_path(&self) -> Option<&str> {

as_deref does the opposite of as_ref above, and if you remember that dereferencing a String yields a &str, it’s easy to understand that now an Option<&str>, as desired.

Wrap Up & Outlook

In this chapter, hecto has gained a lot of functionality: Not only did we implement the ability to edit files, we also implemented a responsive User Interface and allowed the user to save their changes. We learned about data structures for Text Editors, and deepened our understanding of Rust’s ownership system in the process.

In the next chapter, we’re going to allow users to search.

This post was last updated 1 month, 1 week ago.
